ever heard the excuse: I don’t have time??

People make this one A LOT. But I know you guys who made it here are choosing to be proactive about working on yourself! That’s awesome - give yourself a hand right now please! We’re all here because we are MAKING the time. Time to work on ourselves, time to expand out minds - cause once they expand they aren’t ever going to contract! With this concept in mind, we can delve into the podcasts that I have filled my time and my head space with faithfully for a year now!

PS. I would love to hear what you guys think and which episodes you love the most, so feel free to drop me a DM on my Instagram @meghankbrown

  1. The School of Greatness - By Lewis Howes

    - Found this one on Spotify when I was in my cubicle as an engineer working on product design (in an office with no windows btw and during a real hard time in my life).

    Lewis has over 700 episodes and something I love about this show is the DIVERSITY in his guests! Uplifting (check out the 5 minute Fridays for a quick dose of positivity and a hard-hitting takeaway) and very humble with inspiration from athletes, to billionaires to actors, artists etc.


2. The RISE Podcast - With Rachel Hollis

- I have fallen in LOVE with @msrachelhollis after her books blew up! Hearing her in audio-form on a daily basis just puts a huge smile on my face because of how genuine and funny she is - 100% un-apologetically herself! Her mantra on HARD WORK: “I am going to live life in a way that other people won’t, so I can live a life that other people can’t.” She means it when she says she provides tangible tips on building your dream lifestyle/career! Really loved the LIVE episode “How She Built This” Check it out and let me know xx

3. The RISE TOGETHER Podcast - Rachel and Dave Hollis

- Honestly, I get so much hope for love and relationships every second I spend listening to Rachel and Dave! Started as some content to lull me to sleep at night, but I’d find myself laughing, nodding and smiling too much (their conversations were keeping me far too awake for night-time listening!) So you’ll catch me taking their advice while working out in the gym. Super down-to-earth, good human beings with my kind of humor and work ethic and this is one that Rob will join me in listening which I love cause this is relationship-counselling for FREE!


4. The Skinny Confidential Him & Her Podcast - Lauryn Evarts Bosstick & Michael Bosstick

- Don’t be fooled by the title here! Lauryn Evarts started The Skinny Confidential (back when she was just Evarts) blog/brand based on getting the “skinny” the low-down and specifics on all kinds of topics: HEALTH, BEAUTY, SEX - that’s right, these two say what they mean and don’t hold back which I personally love about them, if you’re offended or constantly have the kids around, this may not be your cup of tea if you know what I mean ;)

- For me this is a very different style of podcast but I love their authenticity and there’s some pretty juicy details from high-flyers, celebs, reality TV people and all kinds of success stories from people who have made it BIG, so if you want the skinny - look (well; listen) no further….


5. The Ed Mylett Show - Ed Mylett

- Emotional, real, raw, passionate content here folks! It’s going to come at you at a high-pace and then suddenly a statement is made, a story is told or Ed goes totally silent when his guests drops a bombshell or two on the hardships and struggles they faced in life and what they have overcame. A lot of jaw-dropping for me and real inspiring stories that I draw on when things get tough! Honestly one of my faves was the episode “How To Reach Your Ultimate Goal - with Shaun White.” This one was more light-hearted, funny and thought-provoking on the power of mindset and sheer passion for (in this case) a sport which truly translates into any business or cause that we dedicate our lives to!


6.How I Built This - NPR Podcast with Guy Raz

- I am OBSESSED with this series! All kinds of inventors and entrepreneurs you can think of! Honestly, it is networking in a personalized form, Guy chats with people in an in-formal but well-structured setting and it’s a chillaxed way to hear from and learn from incredible people from all walks of life with all kinds of success stories! I listen on NPR radio online, episodes are typically 1 hour and are a great time investment in my opinion!


If you haven’t let Jim Rohn and Mark Hughes into your life yet, what are you doing???

Never too late to start, and I find these two absolute GOLD on personal development and digging for motivation, so let’s get started: Jim Rohn or Mark Hughes