I gained 20 lb between these pics!

Do you think it was fat gain? NOPE. This is how I INCREASED my eating and DECREASED my workout time…



YES its a thing - it is possible to be investing too much of your time into working out (whether it’s at home or in the gym).

Time is a precious commodity, you can spend it but never earn it back! Okay? So I’ll admit in my past I got OBSESSIVE about working out (twice a day, EVERY DAY) and this wasn’t serving me. So check yourself, think about how you view workouts, is it something you HAVE to do? Or something you GET to do?

Let’s talk numbers: Your body initially sources energy from the high energy molecule phosphocreatine (this is referred to as ATP-PC system) literally only serving you for 10-15 seconds of high-intensity. So this is for SHORT and HIGH INTENSITY bursts.

THEN we go to Glycolysis (the breakdown of glucose) for energy over longer periods. How long? Well, that depends on your body’s store of glucose… you NEED to have consumed healthy carbs and healthy fats that day because we want these as what I call “buffer zones” to NOT allow your body to source energy from your protein reserves - we’re trying to breakdown our muscles and then repair them, not eat-away at our existing muscle mass!

So on my journey this is where I started;

Weight of 90 lb (BMI 19)

Routine: wake up, workout #1 ~35 mins, eat 1 banana + 1 protein bar EVERY morning, 2-3 coffees and about 1-2 sodas then a workout (1.5 - 2 hours long!) on that empty stomach. For dinner; a massive salad and a glass or two (or three…) of wine.


Weight: 111 lb (BMI 20)

NEW and improved lifestyle; wake up, morning meal replacement shake (get your own here) followed by herbal tea concentrate with herbal aloe. 2 hours later: Snack #1, 2 hours later: LUNCH, 2 hours later snack: #2, time for a pre-workout and a hard-core workout sesh (we’re talking HEAVY weights and as high intensity as I can manage!) Post-workout whey protein shake then soon-after: dinner or a meal replacement shake if I’m not up for it. My day is complete with one final Snack #3.

Now THAT is a lot of food and yet hey, it’s sustainable, I’m happy with it and it got me looking pretty good and feeling pretty FIT! What changed with my workouts is how heavy I lift (now correct me if I’m wrong but I ain’t bulky) minimum two 15 lb dumbbell’s at home, 20 - 25 lb in each hand depending on the upper body moves. Always 100 lb+ on gym equipment, and there’s no freaking way I could have done so with the sheer lack of nutrition in my life before! And so do you think I take rest-days?? YES. When you push your muscles to the max you should be burning the next day, you have to rest your body - it’s the only one you’ve got, so why not take good care of it??

If you see any similarities that concern you about YOUR schedule, or you have some burning questions for me; as always I’m documenting this for YOU. I’ve got things sussed but I don’t want to keep all that to myself! Time to share! You can get in touch on my socials and we can talk more - everyone has different goals, fitness levels, nutritional needs and let’s face it you deserve to have your nutrition personalized, and that’s where an online coach comes in!