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This one is easier said than done! It’s so simple to say: I understand how to make a plan, to buy a journal or a planner and write things down. But the hard part is actually executing it! We all know this, we all have an example to draw on.

EXECUTION involves being crystal clear on your why: why did I say I’d commit to this, what’s the actual big reason - and this often has to be deep and internal - if you’re a Mum, maybe it’s not your kids, and if you’re married, it ain’t for your partner - this is FOR YOU!

Make this plan: S.M.A.R.T

Specific - Measurable - Achievable - Realistic - Time based


There is sooo much power in numbers! Take it from me - my 5 year Master Program in Engineering was steeped in numbers - that’s how we solve problems! In health and fitness where I’m at now I still rest upon numbers just as much, and you should too.

It’s a clear game when you play with metrics: the INCOME you want, the CLIENTS you want to serve, the HOURS of you-time, the HOUSE PRICE you’re going for, the RAISE your asking for, the POUNDS you want to loose…numbers, numbers, NUMBERS!

They help keep you on track because you will know how far you have come in what time frame, it’ll be a clear, non-negotiable reminder of where you’re going and how far along the way you are! Like the carrot and stick policy, this will push you BUT you’ll get rewarded when you see your growth!

All kind of growth should be celebrated - every step toward your goal deserves a congratulations so tag me in your social media when you make your next big accomplishment because I would love to recognize you! (@meghankbrown)

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The people who make it to “the top” - bearing in mind we all have different definitions of what that looks like - I firmly believe are the ones who don’t quit! It’s all a question of HOW MANY HITS WILL MY SELF-BELIEF TAKE???

And we’ll have to push harder at times, we’ll have to get tougher, we will maybe have to adjust timelines, but we WILL get there if we refuse to give up! Think about that phrase “overnight sensation”….. no, no, no: those “overnight” stars who sky-rocket actually had all the tools, all the tears, all the efforts behind them already! I believe most of us will know Ms Rachel Hollis (huge fan of THE RISE PODCAST which you can read my review on here) who worked her a** off and didn’t earn a penny for a decade before she hit the big time. She ALREADY had books and a blog and all the things that meant when the window opened her and her team could jump through!

My advice: be realistic and even get EXCITED about the work that you will be required to put in! Nothing that will last a lifetime is done and dusted in 1 year - imagine having a baby and saying: I’m giving you 1 year of my attention and then I’m done! That ain’t gonna work! Same with your dreams, your goals - might as well be big enough to be YEARS in the making, but just know that you’re still on-schedule even 2 years into a 5 year plan, don’t catch yourself sighing and saying “I’ve given this 2 whole years….” that’s when it’s time to push harder.